ODI Praises Ethiopia’s Economic Growth

Fri, Sep 18, 2015
By publisher



A REPORT compiled by the Overseas Development Institute, ODI, released by the Gates Foundation has predicted that Ethiopia, a country in East Africa, will soon become the fastest growing economy in the world in the next three years. But unlike other nations, most notably China, Ethiopia has achieved this growth while maintaining its low level of inequality. At the moment, it is head and shoulders above the rest of Africa in meeting the Millennium Development Goals, MDG.

Through its massive investment in agricultural programme, Ethiopia is expected to halve its poverty within the period. According to the agricultural sector employs three in four Ethiopians, thereby cutting poverty by seven percent between 2005 and 2011. With Ethiopia’s development finding its roots in an agriculturally-led environment, it has included, “Maintaining teams of agronomists across vast rural areas to boost productivity by recommending best agricultural practices and scientific innovation.

“Further, a doubling of Ethiopia’s road network in two decades, which has allowed more farmers to bring their produce to market,” said the report. The notable takeaway lessons from Ethiopia’s experience in sustainable developmental goals is firstly, “Centring government policy on a single goal — poverty reduction — and taking a multidimensional approach can encourage ministries to work more comprehensively and consistently.”

— Sep 18, 2015 @ 14:00 GMT

