The death of Prophet TB Joshua and the Ephemerality of Life

Tue, Jun 8, 2021
By editor


THE death of Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations shocked me to no end. His last preaching currently making rounds in social media points to a man who was fully prepared for the end and ready to meet with his creator.
He simply discussed death throughout as a necessary end that must surely come at any time. He insisted that we must all be prepared for it by carrying out good deeds while on earth here.
Here was a Spartan man of measured words, a man that was neither ostentatious nor worldly. You would only find him wearing his pair of trousers and a long sleeve shirt on sandals. I enjoyed listening to his scriptural preachings once in a while because his messages were always anchored on and rooted in the bible, from which he quoted profusely. Not for him prosperity preaching as many new generation Televangelists are want to do. Not for him ( at least to my limited knowledge) the primitive acquisition of ugly wealth, private jets, unaffordable universities, and diamond chains and wristwatches, found regularly with the new Pentecostals.
I never had the opportunity of meeting him physically. But, when I was kidnapped some years ago, I was told he made a sudden physical appearance in my Lagos home where he prayed for me. Yet, I never knew him or attended his church before then, or ever after. Then, upon my release, I was told he again came to my house in my absence, driving himself all alone, to celebrate my release. I sought for and got his number and immediately called and thanked him profusely for all his prayers and intercessions. When would I see him personally to thank him, I differentially enquired. Not to worry, as he was only doing his job, he replied, even as he again prayed for me over the phone.
Such simplicity, humility, and selflessness! And this selfless man of God is gone, just like that?  Almighty Father, please, absolve him of his sins and grant his gentle soul peaceful respite. Amen.

– June 08, 2021 @ 10:47 GMT
