2018 Hajj: First batch of 440 Sokoto pilgrims depart to Saudi Arabia

Mon, Jul 30, 2018 | By publisher


The first batch of 440 intending Muslim pilgrims from Sokoto State left
for Saudi Arabia on Monday for 2018 Hajj.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the pilgrims, from Gada, Rabah and Wurno local government areas, were transported by Air Planers Airline which left the Sultan Abubakar III International Airport at about 4 p.m.

The state Governor, Aminu Tambuwal, while addressing the pilgrims before departure, appealed to them
to be law abiding in the holy land to avoid any harassment.

Tambuwal said that the state government had made necessary arrangements to ensure the success of the exercise from the pilgrims departure to Saudi Arabia and their return to Nigeria.

He urged them to be good ambassadors of the state and the country at large while performing the Hajj.

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, urged the pilgrims to pray for peace and unity in the country and for successful and peaceful elections in 2019. (NAN)

Jul. 30, 2018 @ 16:45 GMT |
