2019: Cleric urges Nigerians to shun violence

Mon, Jun 18, 2018 | By publisher


Ahead of the 2019 general elections, a cleric,  AbdulRasaq Erubu,  has urged  Nigerians to  refrain from  violence and acts capable of truncating  democratic structures.

The cleric gave the advice in llorin on Monday in  a sermon at  a special prayer for  Mr Tunde Mohammed on his elevation to the position  of  Chief Superintendent of  Police (CSP).

Erubu urged Nigerians to collectively work together toward ensuring violence-free elections irrespective of ethnic or religious affiliations.

He said no meaningful development could be attained in an atmosphere of chaos and acrimony in any part of the country.

The cleric also advised politicians to abide by the rules and regulations governing the conduct of elections instead of promoting disputes.

The Magaji Nda of llorin, Alhaji Salihu Woru-Mohamned, in his remarks advised residents of llorin Emirate to shun destructive tendencies in order to ensure successful polls in 2019.

He also advised residents of the emirate to shun acts capable of causing disaffection and disunity in the emirate.

The newly promoted CSP and Commander of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Ekiti Police Command commended the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, for strengthening the squad.

He said the police leadership had taken appropriate steps to strengthen SARS to make it more effective rather than scrapping it. (NAN)

– Jun. 18, 2018 @ 13:28 GMT |
