9ice Goes Politicking

Fri, Jan 24, 2014
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Entertainment Briefs

SINGER 9ice wants to vie for an electoral position in the 2015 general elections. The music star wants to represent Ogbomosho North Constituency at the House of Representatives in Abuja in the next dispensation.

9ice, who has had difficulty reviving his musical career in recent time, might have thrown in the towel, capitalising on his popularity in his home state to give himself a new career opportunity. Even then, 9ice will not be the first musician to move from entertainment to politics. If he succeeds, he will be joining the rank of entertainers who have taken the dive into Nigerian politics such as Richard Mofe-Damijo, actor, Tony One Week, singer, Nkiru Sylvanus, actress, and many others who are now actively involved in governance.


K’cee Ventures into Oil Business


THE future seems to look very bright for Kingsley Okonkwo, the one who is popularly known as ‘Kcee the Limpopo King.’ The young talented artiste has also veered into the oil and gas industry.

Kcee, whose single, ‘Pull Over’ is currently tearing the charts in the country, is the vice-president of Five Star Music, a label he runs with his elder brother, is adding the new oil vessels he has acquired for the take-off of Five Star Oil and Gas Company to the trophies.

The former member of music group, KC-Presh, has always told anyone who cares to listen that he has plans to diversify into other businesses and the oil business is just one aspect of the diversification.


Man Threatens Suicide, Murder over Girlfriend

The captor and his captive on top of the roof
The captor and his captive on top of the roof

IT WAS not a pretty site as a construction worker held his girlfriend hostage on a Chinese rooftop with a meat cleaver for five hours. His grouse was that the parents of his heartthrob reportedly refused to approve their marriage.

Hundreds of onlookers and armed police watched as the man stripped to his underwear and ordered his girlfriend to do the same so she would be shamed in front of their neighbours. He announced he was going to kill her and claimed the 29-year-old regularly had affairs when he went to work, according to various local media reports.

The 'couple'
The ‘couple’

At one point the man, identified as Lin, 32, stripped completely naked, held his girlfriend by the throat and waved the meat cleaver in the air. It took trained negotiators a lot effort to talk him down from the roof of the quiet residential block. Lin’s relatives were also brought to the scene to try and talk him down but had little luck on Monday, January 20.

As police and soldiers surrounded the rooftop, the half-naked kidnapper demanded a getaway car for himself and his girlfriend. Eventually police provided one and, still holding his terrified partner, the man put his jeans back on and climbed down from the roof into a city square.

But as he made his way towards the car officers gave chase, managing to pull him away from his girlfriend and throw him to the ground. Still topless, he was handcuffed in front of hundreds of stunned onlookers and led away. The man now faces a lengthy jail term, and according to reports, not even his own parents had approved the marriage in the first place.

Abrahamovich’s Girlfriend Sparks Outrage for Posing On Unclad Black Woman Chair

ROMAN Abramovich, Russian billionaire ‘s partner has sparked an internet firestorm after an online magazine published a photo of her sitting on a chair made to resemble a half-Unclad black woman – on Martin Luther King Day.

Dasha Zhukova
Dasha Zhukova

Buro 24/7 used the horrendously offensive image of Dasha Zhukova Monday to illustrate an unrelated interview about the former model’s new magazine, Garage. Miroslava Duma, the blog’s editor, also posted the insensitive photo on Instagram. Both were met with an immediate barrage of disgusted comments, and Duma quickly deleted the picture from Instagram and cropped out the chair on Buro 24/7.

‘This is incredibly racist,’ Organising for Women’s Liberation tweeted Monday, January 20, after news of the unbelievable picture spread.

In the image, the Moscow-born 32-year-old, wearing a crisp white shirt buttoned nearly to the top and blue jeans, perches on an extremely life-like black mannequin who is Unclad save for a pair of leather-look black panties, a dominatrix-style belt, elbow length gloves and knee-high boots.

The dummy is laying on her back with her knees bent and a cushion, which Zhukova is sitting on, is balanced on her bottom. Her neck is propped up off the floor uncomfortably, as if she is straining to look at her master, and her amble, Unclad bosom is pressed provocatively against her body. Zhukova, staring at the camera, appears the complete opposite of the black woman she’s weighing down.

Claire Sulmers, a blogger, was among the first to express her disbelief, claiming the photo’s message was startlingly clear: ‘White dominance and superiority, articulated in a seemingly serene yet overtly degrading way.’

— Feb. 3, 2014 @ 01:00 GMT


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