A New Approach for Gas Development

Fri, Apr 10, 2015
By publisher

BREAKING NEWS, Energy Briefs


THE Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas, NLNG, has called for the deployment of an accelerated development model in producing and utilising Nigeria’s vast gas deposit. In his presentation at the 2015 edition of the Nigeria Oil and Gas, NOG, conference and exhibition in Abuja, Babs Omotowa, managing director, advocated for an adoption of the business model used by Qatar in developing and utilising its gas resources, saying the Qatari model could help Nigeria to drive improved investments in the sector.

He stated that notwithstanding extant policy efforts of the government to drive investment in Nigeria’s gas sector, an initiation of a partnership model that include both international financial and technical expertise could help unlock the latent economic potential in the country’s 180 trillion cubic feet, TCF, of proven gas deposit and estimated 600TCF of unproven reserves.

“Qatar has over the last few years built the largest Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG, and Gas to Liquid, GTL, industry (Pearl, Oryx, Palm) in the world along with petrochemical industries. Today, these projects are generating over $100 billion/year for the country. They also have created opportunities across the value chain by establishing three mega industrial cities of Mesaieed, Ras Laffan, Dukhan, which now provides operational and maintenance support for the gas industry. The strategic integrated approach to industrialisation has enabled the sustainable retention of 1.3 million jobs. All these were done under a partnership approach attracting both international financial and technical expertise in a win-win manner. Such a model as Qatar can provide a master plan for the harnessing of our 180TCF proven gas reserves and estimated 600TCF unproven gas reserves,” he said.

Omotowa explained that such integrated business model for Nigeria’s gas sector would amongst other expectations ensure that more gas reserves were added to the country’s existing reserves while propelling the growth of gas-based industries in the country. “It is now several decades that we have become aware of the potential 600TCF unproven gas reserves. With the high value that gas brings, the country will benefit from a renewed aggressive exploration and development program to move these to proven gas reserves and subsequently to production. Many of the major gas fields including at offshore locations like Bosi with 5-7TCF of gas, Nnwa/Doro with 6-9 TCF of gas and Erha, Ngolo, Assa-North portends huge opportunities.

“An accelerated development programme for our gas revolution will require government policies, fiscals and enabling environment that will attract foreign direct investment and technical support, especially as many of these findings are in the more technically challenging offshore locations.”

He also spoke about the need for the country to diversify her energy sources to include more of hydro, coal, solar and wind energy sources to relieve the gas sector from contributing so much for domestic power generation and used more in industries. “Power solution should be more diversified and gas used more for industries like petrochemical, in integrated manner as Qatar so as to create massive sustainable employment and increase GDP contribution,” Omotowa said.

Kaduna Disco now Kaduna Electric


THE management of the Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company has adopted a new corporate name and logo for the company. The company said it would henceforth be known as Kaduna Electric and has adopted an improved redesigned lower case letter ‘K’, which symbolises the company’s renewed commitment to customer satisfaction.

A statement issued by Abdulazeez Abdullahi, head, corporate communications of the company in Kaduna, on Tuesday, April 7, said the brand identity change was aimed at signalling a radical shift from the inefficiencies that characterised how the defunct NEPA/PHCN used to operate. He disclosed that the brand re-launch was one in a series of strategic initiatives that the management had put in place to ensure a complete turnaround in the operations of the company.

According to Abdullahi, the new brand identity, which is already on display at the corporate head office, will be formally launched at a date to be announced soon. The new owners of the Kaduna Electric took ownership of the company in December 2013 after satisfying all the requirements set out by the Bureau of Public Enterprises, BPE, for the sale of the unbundled distribution companies from the defunct PHCN.

— Apr. 20, 2015 @ 01:00 GMT



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