AANI mourns ex-EFCC boss, Lamorde

Mon, May 27, 2024
By editor


THE Alumni Association of the National Institute (AANI), says it is devastated by the news of the demise of Mr Ibrahim Lamorde, one of its members and former EFCC boss.

Lamorde died on Sunday in Egypt where he had travelled for medical treatment. He was aged 62.

AANI, in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, retired Brig.-Gen. Sani Usman, recalled that Lamorde was a member of the Senior Executive Course (SEC) 38, 2016 of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru Jos.

Usman quoted AANI National President Emmanuel Okafor as expressing sadness over the demise of the former EFCC boss on behalf of members of the association.

Okafor described the late retired Deputy Inspector-General of Police as a man of exceptional work ethics and unwavering commitment.

He said that late Lamorde left an indelible mark on the nation’s fight for financial transparency through his pivotal role in the EFCC.

“As a pioneering Director of Operations and, later the agency’s Chairman, he spearheaded numerous efforts to curb corruption, guided by a deep sense of integrity and a relentless pursuit of justice.

“Lamorde’s tenure at the EFCC was also marked by a steadfast dedication to the principles of justice and transparency.

“His leadership was characterised by a rare blend of astuteness and compassion, as he pursued the lofty ideal of a corruption-free Nigeria with fervent zeal.

“Through his visionary leadership, he not only safeguarded the nation’s resources, but also inspired a generation of young Nigerians to embrace the noble cause of integrity and probity,” he was further quoted as saying. (NAN)


May 27, 2024
