Abia INEC warned not to announce results procured under duress

Mon, Mar 20, 2023
By editor


By Monday Ubani

IF anyone has told me that with the progress we have made with the new Electoral Act of 2022 that someone will contemplate forcing INEC’s officials to announce fictitious results that does not pass through BVAS accreditation, I will not believe it. But that is precisely what is  happening in Abia presently at Obingwa Local Government Area in Abia State.

Information at my disposal is that the EO of INEC in Obingwa was placed  under severe threat to announce results that were not obtained in accordance with the Electoral Act in favour of a particular candidate in the gubernatorial race  in the State. When he refused to accede to such demands,  they forced his other  colleagues to announce the mind boggling results to suit their whim and caprices. 

INEC is hereby advised and warned seriously not to further damage its already battered image by going ahead  with announcing such  results in the State  that is clearly devoid of law and logic.

On the streets and in homes, Abians are sounding it as a note of warning to INEC and the Nigerian institutions that have one role or the other to play in the electoral process,  to reject electoral heist, terrorism and ensure that free, fair and equitable process is allowed to be employed to produce the new leadership of Abia in 2023. From 1999 till date, Abians and Abia have not been fortunate with leadership that meant well for the State. 

Abians are saying that anything short of a process that is free, fair and credible will be rejected outrightly and I am afraid that such outcome  shall not  be  allowed to stand  in the State and by extension in Nigeria.

ABIANS ARE TIRED with imposition of leadership that has no input from the people since this new  Republic began,  and echoing with one voice that “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.

A word is enough for the wise.

***M.O.Ubani, former 2nd National  Vice President of NBA



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