ACF condoles Afenifere over demise of Spokesman, Odumakin

Sat, Apr 3, 2021
By editor

General News

THE Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has condoled the Yoruba socio-political group, Afenifere, over the demise of its Spokesman and activist, Mr Yinka Odumakin.


The ACF National Publicity Secretary, Mr Emmanuel Yawe, in a statement on Saturday in Kaduna, described the news of Odumakin’s death as a rude shock to the forum.


“While he was alive, Odumakin held on to his views very strongly. We often disagreed with him on many issues. Our disagreements were, however, on principle and not personal.


“The fundamental difference is that Afenifere group admits only descendants of Oduduwa as members, while we in ACF admit even descendants of Oduduwa who are northerners,” he said.

According to him, accommodating hundreds of ethnic groups has made it very difficult to always agree with a group whose membership is limited to one ethnic group.


“We had hoped that Odumakin will live long enough to work for and see the new day. His death today has robbed us of that opportunity.


“We pray for the repose of his soul and condole his family and colleagues in Afenifere. We shall certainly miss him,” Yawe said. (NAN)

– Apr. 03, 2021 @ 13:6 GMT
