AfDB and Climate Investment Funds Lead Just Transition Workshops in Uganda

Tue, Jul 2, 2024
By editor


THE African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) have initiated a series of pioneering workshops aimed at embedding ‘just transition’ principles into Uganda’s sustainable development framework.

These workshops are designed to ensure that the transition to a clean economy does not marginalize vulnerable communities, aligning with the Bank Group’s commitment to integrating environmental progress with social equity across Africa.

“Uganda is at the forefront of climate action, which will inevitably lead to both positive and negative impacts,” stated Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, African Development Bank Country Manager for Uganda. “This project aims to support the government in better understanding the risks and opportunities associated with climate mitigation measures in the transport sector.”

The two-day event gathered key stakeholders to discuss the socio-economic impacts of climate mitigation strategies, particularly in Kampala, where 50% of Uganda’s vehicles are located. Neyen Consulting presented a socio-economic impact assessment model focusing on this area, with an emphasis on informal sectors.

Two significant proposals were deliberated:

  1. Replacing 60% of the boda boda (motorcycle taxi) fleet with electric vehicles by 2035.
  2. Increasing the ratio of minibus taxis to boda-bodas through the rapid introduction of electric minibuses by 2035.

These initiatives align with Uganda’s National Determined Contributions (NDC) and aim to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Simultaneously, Uganda is developing its national Just Transition Framework with support from CIF and the AfDB. This framework will chart a development path that minimizes vulnerability, poverty, and inequalities as the country transitions to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy.

Moses Masiga, Climate Finance Expert and CIF/World Bank Consultant, observed, “Workshop participants demonstrated understanding of current strategies to transition towards the low-carbon and climate-resilient pathway pursued in various national development plans.”

Key sectors highlighted for just transition planning include agriculture and forestry, energy and minerals, transport, urban planning, and green industrialization.

Masiga added, “The standout recommendations were ensuring synergies between just transition strategies across different sectors, demonstrating the benefits versus costs of the just transition, and developing from existing national and sector strategies.”

These workshops build on national kickoff sessions held in early April, which engaged over 50 representatives from government and non-government stakeholders.

Ngafuan concluded, “This process is further evidence of the Bank’s commitment to just and transformative climate action across the continent and in Uganda in particular. Analyzing climate actions with a sector lens is essential to unpack sectoral priorities while ensuring synergies and coherence at the national level.”


July 2, 2024
