Airbus supplier Diehl Aviation to cut around 900 jobs

Fri, Jun 11, 2021
By editor


AIRBUS supplier Diehl Aviation planned to cut around 900 jobs due to the impact of the pandemic on aviation, the company said on Friday.

Diehl plans to employ around 3,100 people in Germany by mid-2025, the spokesperson said, adding that agreements had been reached with employee representatives.

Diehl Aviation employed some 4,000 people last year at its sites in Germany, according to the spokesperson.

In November 2020, the company had said it would cut up to 1,400 jobs.

Its agreement now includes a reconciliation of interests, a social framework plan and related company agreements, the statement said.

A large proportion of the jobs have already been cut, in a process that was taking place “largely in a socially responsible manner,’’ the company said.

The cuts include posts at the company’s headquarters in Laupheim near Ulm, where the headcount is to be reduced from 1,800 to around 1,300 by 2022.

A spokesperson for trade union IG Metall said she was satisfied with what had been negotiated for employees under the agreement.

She also said she was pleased that fewer jobs are now to be cut than originally announced.

Diehl Aviation saw a significant reduction in sales and demand at the beginning of last year, a company spokesperson said.

The firm expected its crisis to peak this year and predicts a slow recovery from 2022.

Diehl Aviation, which makes aircraft cabin interiors, employs about 5,000 people worldwide. (dpa/NAN)

– June 11, 2021 @ 15:25 GMT |
