Alleged N3trn Budget padding: Uproar in Senate as Ningi, Jarigbe open cans of worm

Tue, Mar 12, 2024
By editor

Featured, Politics

THE Senate has been thrown into a rowdy session and House of commotion as it began discussions on allegations raised by the former Senate Deputy leader and Chairman, Northern Senators Forum, NSF, Senator Abdul Ningi, PDP, Bauchi Central.

Ningi raised the alarm about the N3 trillion budget padding in the N28.7 trillion 2024 Appropriation Act and that the budget passed by the National Assembly for the 2024 fiscal year is N25trillion while the one being implemented by the Presidency is N28.7 trillion.

Trouble started on Tuesday when the chairman, of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Senator Olamilekan Adeola, APC, Ogun West, raised a point of order, saying that he was one of those who prepared the 2024 budget and that, with what has transpired in the last three days, his privileges have been tampered with.

Senator Adeola, who came under Orders 9,10,41, and 51of the Senate Standing Orders 2022 as Amended, read out the transcription of the interview with the former Senate Deputy leader and Chairman, Northern Senators Forum, NSF, Senator Abdul Ningi, PDP, Bauchi Central granted the BBC( Hausa Service) on Saturday last week.

According to Adeola, Ningi raised the alarm of N3 trillion in budget padding in the N28.7trillion 2024 Appropriation Act and that the budget passed by the National Assembly for the 2024 fiscal year is N25 trillion while the one being implemented by the Presidency is N28.7 trillion.

The Senate was thrown into confusion when Ningi was asked to defend himself following a constitutional point raised by Senator Adamu Aliero, PDP, Kebbi Central, that Ningi be given a fair hearing.

In his remarks, Ningi opened up cans of worms and raised the fact that the Senate does not know how much the President of the Senate, Senator Godswill, was earning or the number of vehicles he has bought.

The house was thrown into a rowdy session when Senator Jarigbe Agom Jarigbe, PDP, Cross River North raised an alarm that senior Senators got N500 million each while he got N75 million.

According to Order 9 privileges are the rights enjoyed by the Senate collectively and by the members of the Senate individually conferred by the Legislative Houses (Powers and Privileges) Act Cap. 208 Laws of the Federation 1990, or by practice, precedent usage, and custom.”

(b) Whenever a matter of privilege arises, it shall be taken up immediately. c) In cases where adequate provision is not made in this Standing Order, the Senate shall by Resolution regulate its procedure.

Order 10 reads, “Any Senator may rise at any time to speak upon a matter of privilege suddenly arising, and he shall be prepared to move, without notice, a motion declaring that a contempt or breach of privilege has been committed, or referring the matter to the Committee on Ethics and Privileges, but if the matter is raised in the Committee of the Whole Senate, the Chairman shall leave the Chair to report progress.”

For order 41.”(1) The matter for discussion shall, if possible, be referred to the President of the Senate before the commencement of the day’s sitting, and the President of the Senate shall refuse to allow the claim unless he is satisfied that the matter is definite and urgent. (2) If the claim is allowed by the President of the Senate, and the leave of the Senate is given, by at least one-fifth of all the Senators, the matter shall stand over till the next legislative day.

“A Senator Moving a Motion under combined Orders 41 and 51 shall ensure that copies of the Motion are available for all Senators when approval to move the Motion is granted. (4) Not more than one such motion may be made at the same sitting. 42.

“By the indulgence of the Senate and the leave of the President of the Senate, a Senator may make a personal explanation, although there will be no question before the Senate; but no controversial matter may be brought forward nor may debate arise upon the explanation.

“The terms of the proposed statement shall be submitted in detail to the President of the Senate when his leave to make itis sought. 43. (1) An Order of the Day is a Bill or other matter which the Senate has ordered to be taken into consideration on a particular day.

“An earlier day cannot be substituted for the day so appointed. (2) Orders of the Day shall, have precedence over each other according to the Order of the Day in which they appear on the Order Paper. An Order of the Day may be postponed on motion without Notice moved by the Senator in charge thereof, of (2) If an amendment has been proposed to a question, the original motion cannot be withdrawn until the amendment has been disposed of.”

Order 51 reads, “Notice shall not be dispensed with in the case of a motion or in respect of any other proceeding for which notice is required except with the consent of the President of the Senate and the general assent of the Senators present.”

Adeola’s motion was seconded by Senator Joel Onowkpo Ewomazino, APC, Delta South, who also lambasted Ningi for coming up with such dangerous allegations.

At this point, the Senate leader, Senator Opeyemi, APC, Ekiti Central also raised Order 9 and 10 and the Senate resolved to the Committee of the Whole and was seconded by Senator Neda Imasuen, LP, Edo South.

Senator Ningi said in the interview : “For the first time in Nigerian history, today we are operating two different budgets. One budget was approved by the National Assembly signed by President Bola Tinubu and the other was implemented by the presidency.

“The one approved by us is ₦25 trillion while the one operating by the Federal Government is ₦28 trillion.

“Apparently we discovered ₦3 trillion was inserted into the budgets without locations. This is the highest budget padding that happened in Nigerian history under Senator Akpabio’s watchful eyes.”

Senator Ningi who raised the alarm of N3 trillion Budget Padding in the Presidency, said, “For example, it was said that there was a budget of N28 trillion, but what was passed was N25 trillion. So there is N3 trillion on top. Where are they, Where is it going? So, we need to know this. There are a lot of things. We are coming up with a report, and we will show the president himself and ask him if he is aware or not.

“We resolved as people representatives to see President Tinubu on this issue, with facts and figures, to ask him if he is aware of this embarrassment or not, then from there we will take action.

“Let Nigerians be patient with us. This is a national issue, it affects all Nigerians in respective of party, tribe or religion “ vanguard-


-March 12, 2024 @ 14:55 GMT|
