Alumni association donates solar system, laptops to College of Nursing and Midwifery

Sat, Dec 2, 2023
By editor


AN alumni association has donated a 3.5 KVA solar system and set of laptops to the library of Oyo State College of Nursing and Midwifery Eleiyele (OYSCONME) in Ibadan.

The college’s Set ‘M’ (1973-1977) Alumni Association made the donation on Friday in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of their members being admitted to the College.

Chairman of the set, Alhaji Babatunde Ola, said the donation was a token of appreciation to the college which had made them what they are today.

“It is also in a bid to give back to our alma mater,” he said.

Ola appreciated the college’s Provost, Dr Gbonjubola Owolabi, for her understanding and unending support for the association.

In his remarks, the Oyo State Commissioner for Health, Dr Oluwaserimi Ajetunmobi, appreciated the alumni association for its efforts towards moving the College forward.

“We thank you for your unflinching support at all times,” the Commissioner, who was represented by Owolabi, said.

He charged other sets of the college’s graduates to emulate the association’s kind gesture by giving back to their alma mater.

He pledged the state government’s unending support to the college and the entire health sector in the state.(NAN)


December 2, 2023 @ 7:16 GMT|
