Anambra Among 5 Best Fiscal Performers – BudgIT

Thu, Oct 19, 2023
By editor


By Paul Nwosu

Anambra State has just been ranked among the five best performing states in the country by BudgIT.

In the latest State of the States Report released by BudgIT, Anambra State was ranked among the five best performing states in the country in terms of fiscal performance. 

The other top ranking states are Lagos, Rivers, Kaduna and Ogun.

The sterling performance is undoubtedly a reflection of the prudent financial management of Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo (CFR) who from the onset of his administration has continued to harp on fiscal resourcefulness because the tap of federal allocation from Abuja is gradually becoming dry.

According to the 2023 BudgIT report, the five states in the A category where Anambra belongs have been able to significantly grow their internally generated revenue year-on-year and are progressively reducing their over-reliance on federal transfers.

The high-ranking states like Anambra have comparatively limited dependence on federally distributed revenue for their operations and thus have greater viability if they were to theoretically exist as an independent entity.

Director of BudgIT, Seun Onigbinde, while appearing on television, expressly stated that it takes strong leadership to drive the fiscal performance of the states in line with BudgIT appraisal.

Solution is here.

***Sir Paul Nwosu is commissioner for Information, Anambra State.


October 19, 2023 @ 5:39 GMT|


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