Anambra Farmers affected by Flood to receive Grants

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 | By publisher


Bolanle Ojo, supervisor, National Emergency Management Agency, says farmers in Anambra State who were affected by flood in 2018 are to receive grants


NO FEWER than 4,636 farmers affected by the July to October 2018, flood disaster in seven Local Government Areas of Anambra are to receive grants soon.

Bolanle Ojo, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Supervisor of the project in the state, disclosed this at an ongoing revalidation of affected farmers at Ogbaru near Onitsha on Sunday.

Ojo told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in an interview, that the flood affected victims in Anambra East, Anambra West, Ayamelum, Ogbaru, Orumba North, Awka North and Ihiala Local Government Areas.

According to her, grants to supporting farmers will come in form of seedlings, fertilizers and agro-chemicals for them to have good yield in the 2019 farming season.

“The farmers will be supported based on their farm size and seedlings like rice, yam, maize, cassava, plantain and vegetables as it apply to them.

“This is in line with the directive of the National Food Security Council led by President Muhammadu Buhari to further ameliorate their plights,” Ojo said.

She added that the support would be provided soon after the verification.

– Apr. 28, 2019 @ 9:21 GMT |


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