Antimicrobial Resistance: Veterinarians task council on effective regulation of animal sector

Fri, May 19, 2023
By editor


THE Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA), has appealed to the Veterinary Council of Nigeria (VCN), to step up regulation efforts towards sanitising the sector.

NVMA therefore urged VCN to take a critical look into the activities of all veterinary pharmacies, drug companies and veterinary clinics nationwide.

In a communiqué issued at the end of its Annual Leaders’ Summit on Friday in Abuja, the association said the measure would ensure adequate tracking of sales and distribution of veterinary drugs and products.

It also said it would discourage indiscriminate use and abuse, which would effectively stem the increasing rate of antimicrobial resistance burden.

The communiqué, signed by Dr Olutoyin Adetuberu, National President, and Dr Oladotun Fadipe, Secretary General respectively, recommended that veterinary drugs should be classified under the general sales list of controlled and prescribed drugs.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time, and no longer respond to medicines.

Describing the menace of AMR as a huge challenge to both animal and human health, the association further urged veterinarians to take responsibility for the prescription and administration of veterinary medicines in the country.

The association also called for the establishment of regional laboratories to aid early and rapid diagnosis.

“There should be introduction of prescription before sales of veterinary products by surgeons. VCN should provide leadership in developing training in veterinary pharmacy as a postgraduate programme.

“Veterinarians should not over delegate duties to non-vets. Adequate instruments and monitoring systems should be put in place, and their workability assured, for the general good of the populace.

“We therefore advise professionals not to abdicate their responsibilities in providing leadership in this regard, which is necessary to curb the growing challenge of AMR in Nigeria through animal-source foods,’’ NVMA said.

NAN reports that the theme of the summit was: “ The role of Veterinarians in curbing the menace of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) (NAN)
