As Merkel turns 70, most Germans sense decline since her exit -Survey

Tue, Jul 16, 2024
By editor


MAJORITY of Germans believe that conditions in their country have worsened since former conservative chancellor Angela Merkel’s tenure ended, a new survey has revealed.

According to the opinion research institute, YouGov, 61 per cent believed that conditions in Germany have worsened since Merkel’s departure from politics in December 2021, while 25 per cent believed that they have remained about the same.

A total of 2,030 people were surveyed online between June 28 and July 3, according to YouGov.

The sample was chosen to reflect population parameters such as age, gender, religion, voting behaviour, education and political interest – and therefore represents the electorate aged 18 and over.

Those who see a decline in the situation largely attribute it at least in part to the work of Germany’s three-party centre-left coalition government under her successor Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Specifically, 28 per cent cite the “bad government’’ of Scholz, while 15 per cent attribute the worsened conditions to external factors.

For more than half of the respondents, both factors play a role.

Merkel, who entered the chancellery in 2005 and held the office for 16 years, celebrates her 70th birthday on Wednesday.

She was the first woman to be German chancellor. (dpa/NAN)


July 16, 2024 @ 11:17 GMT|


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