As the World Stands Still for Women

Fri, Mar 8, 2024
By editor


Valentine Obienyem

I personally resent the views of some societies about woman over the centuries.  I am glad that there has been a progressive emancipation of woman.  Thus, some of these ideas have, or are disappearing or have changed greatly.  Due to civilization, women themselves have started challenging society’s traditional image of what a woman may choose to be.  Women now take on jobs that were formerly done by men, women now go into politics, rule nations, fight wars as seen in the equestrian statute of Amina in a prancing charger.  Some of them have succeeded where men dared not succeed.  A clear case is the exploits of Prof. Dora Akunyili in NAFDAC (now the Minister of Information).  This has made some people to wonder if the Presidency of this country should not be conceded to them.  We salute the courage of our women.

Frankly speaking, I resent the antics of women that think that emancipation means that they should be indistinguishable from men, no.  There is the equality of both sexes in their persons, but proportional equality is also created by the differences in their psychophysical natures.  What each sex should do is to strive to perform the roles suitable to his own nature.  Equality can never be similarity and equality is meaningful when it is among equals, both in mental and physical attributes.  To pursue equality between sexes in the sense some women think is to rebel against the law of the creator and indisputable order of nature.

I personally resent the views of some societies about women over the centuries. I am glad that there has been a progressive emancipation of women. Thus, some of these ideas have disappeared or changed greatly. Due to civilization, women themselves have started challenging society’s traditional image of what a woman may choose to be. Women now take on jobs that were formerly done by men, women now go into politics, rule nations, and fight wars, as seen in the equestrian statute of Amina on a prancing charger. Some of them have succeeded where men dared not succeed. This has made some people wonder if the Presidency of this country should not be conceded to them. We salute the courage of our women.

Frankly speaking, I resent the antics of women who think that emancipation means that they should be indistinguishable from men, no. There is equality of both sexes in their persons, but proportional equality is also created by the differences in their psychophysical natures. What each sex should do is to strive to perform the roles suitable to their own nature. Equality can never be similarity, and equality is meaningful when it is among equals, both in mental and physical attributes. To pursue equality between sexes in the sense some women think is to rebel against the law of the creator and the indisputable order of nature.

***Val Obienyem writes from Awka, Anambra State


-March 08, 2024 @ 15:54 GMT|
