Berlin police continue search for lioness feared on the loose

Fri, Jul 21, 2023
By editor


A wild animal, believed to be a female lion, is still feared to be roaming around suburbs of south of Berlin on Friday, with no sign of the predator found overnight.

Police said there had been no further sightings or traces of the feline found during the night.

Authorities were to continue searching for the animal with drones, helicopters and thermal imaging cameras, supported by veterinarians and hunters.

Mayor Michael Groubert of Kleinmachnow said professional animal trackers would also be deployed.

The initial sighting was late on Wednesday evening, when a witness filmed what appeared to be the animal in bushes.

The dark and slightly blurry mobile phone video spread quickly online.

Authorities had believed the initial video to be genuine.

Others claimed to have recorded videos of the feline predator chasing and killing a wild boar.

Unconfirmed sightings were reported into Thursday evening in the wooded area between Berlin and the neighbouring state of Brandenburg. (dpa/NAN) 


– July 21, 2023 @ 11:21 GMT |
