Book on ‘Audacity of African Girl’ receiving rave reviews online

Tue, Oct 25, 2022
By editor


THE recently published autobiography of a Nigerian-U.S. based make-up artist, Khuraira Musa, titled “the Audacity of African Girl,” is receiving rave reviews online.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the book, a soft copy of which is off for sale on Amazon, offers a glimpse into the life of Ms Musa who took control of her destiny and overcame immense obstacles with her hope, grit, and tenacity.

Writing on the review section of the Amazon, Hope Darley, described the book as a beautiful and inspirational story.

Darley said: “I read this book cover to cover in one sitting. As I read, I was reminded of the character Rose Maxson in the film production of “Fences” brilliantly portrayed by Viola Davis.

“In one particular scene, Rose is admonishing her son for his failure to show compassion and empathy for his father, Troy Maxson played by the amazing, Denzel Washington.

” When you measure a man, make sure you measure him in his entirety. In the Audacity of an African Girl, Khuaira beautifully presents the scale by which she should be measured.

On her part, Maria Tatiana, explained that while reading the book, she realised that the beauty of life was not to give up.

According to her, Khuraira is not your typical girl and she’s special for a reason! Life’s experiences are what truly make you, and the people that believe in you in your life.

“Her story is just that, from learning and understanding her humble beginnings to watching her life unfold from love, determination, strength, beauty, happiness, pain, and then more beauty again.

“It’s life’s beauty by not giving up and giving back is the big theme here and being surrounded by family, friends (+best friends), and most importantly inner strength.”

Another reviewer, Robin miller, said the writer was an inspiration to all and her action and deeds showed remarkable strength and dignity.

“What an incredible story. I am fortunate to know Khuraira personally and I never knew all she went through to get to where she is today.

“She is an inspiration to all. A beautiful person inside and out. Her actions and deeds show remarkable strength and dignity. This is a must read.”

Another anonymous reviewer described the writer as a warrior, saying she was a great inspiration.

” Wow! Khuraira, you are truly an inspiration and a warrior. Thank you for sharing your incredible journey with such raw emotion and audacity. You are a beautiful sole inside and out.” (NAN)



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