BREAKING: Sri Lanka government declares state of emergency

Mon, Apr 22, 2019 | By publisher


Sri Lankan authorities have ordered a state of emergency to be introduced from midnight Monday following the deadly Easter attacks, the president’s office said.

The special measures are being brought in “to allow the police and the three forces to ensure public security,” the statement said, referring to the army, navy and air force.

The Sri Lankan government had on Monday ordered a new night-time curfew as tensions remained high after a series of suicide bomb attacks that left at least 290 dead.

The government information department said the curfew would run from 8:00pm (1430 GMT) on Monday until 4:00am on Tuesday.

An indefinite curfew ordered Sunday after the attacks were lifted early Monday but a two-day holiday was decreed in a bid to reduce public traffic.

– Apr. 22, 2019 @ 11:01 GMT |


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