Business woman bags 1 month imprisonment for breach of trust

Wed, Nov 30, 2022
By editor


A Sharia Court sitting in Magajin Gari, Kaduna, on Wednesday, sentenced a business woman, Safiya Nasir, to one month imprisonment for breach of trust.

The Judge, Malam Murtala Nasir, who gave the judgment after the defendant had pleaded guilty to the offences bordering on cheating and breach of trust, however, gave her an option of N30,000 fine.

He also ordered her to pay the sum of N200,000 as compensation to the complainant, Saude Adamu.

The complainant had, on Feb. 14, filed a suit against the defendant over cheating and breach of trust.

She told the court that Nasir had collected clothing material worth N250,000, with a promise to pay the money for the goods in two weeks.

Adamu explained that the accused failed to pay her the money as promised.

On her part, the defendant did not deny the amount, but prayed the court to give her time to be able to pay it.

The defendant, however, failed to pay back the whole amount but instead, paid only N51,000 since February.(NAN)

