Business woman drags husband to court for alleged battery

Thu, Sep 29, 2022
By editor


A business woman, Mercy Mbah on Thursday dragged her husband, Emeka, before a Customary Court in Nyanya for alleged battery.

The petitioner said this in a divorce petition she filed against her husband before the court.

“My husband has been violent to me for over seven years now. He beats me every time we have little misunderstanding. The worse of all is that he beats me in front of our children.

“Our children will be crying and begging him to leave me alone but he will still continue,” She said.

She also told the court that her children are psychologically affected with this issue.

The petitioner  also told the court that her husband always take hard drugs, saying, “He gets very violent under the influence of those drugs.”

She begged the court to dissolve the marriage and free her children from this psychological torture and also save her from death.

The respondent, Emeka Mbah who is a businessman and who was present in court denied the allegations.

The presiding judge, Doocivir Yawe, however, adjourned the matter until Oct. 13 for further hearing.(NAN)

