Cholera: Health Experts urge adequate regulations, access to clean water

Wed, Jul 3, 2024
By editor


MRS Abiola Paul-Ozieh, Chairman of the Healthcare Providers Association of Nigeria (HCPAN), Lagos Chapter, on Wednesday called for adequate regulation and enlightenment to curb transmission of cholera in the country.

Paul-Ozieh, who made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos,  said the current outbreak of cholera in the country was an indication of lapses in some of the health regulations.

NAN reports that cholera is a food and water-borne disease caused by the ingestion of the bacterium -Vibrio cholerae, in contaminated water and food.

“One of the key thing we need to note is that we lack the ability to enforce policy.

“There are various health regulators that are in charge of environmental sanitations, hygiene, food supervisors and others.

” Cholera is not something we should be talking about in Nigeria in this 21st century; this shows that there has been lapses in our regulation and enforcement and we really need to work on it.

“The government should increase the volume of its enlightenment so that more Nigerians will adhere to precautionary measures to keep them safe.

“It is important for Nigerians also to embrace good hygiene and good sanitation practices at all times ,”she said.

She urged government at all levels to ensure easy access to clean water for all Nigerians.

“Most people depend on borehole for water. Gone are the days when we have access to tap watet.

” Something must be done to ensure that Nigerians have access to clean water,” she said.

Speaking also, the President of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), Wale Oladigbolu urged government to intensify its enlightenment on cholera outbreak and strengthen the health system.

Oladigbolu cautioned Nigerians to avoid contaminated water and food, adding that a top notch health habit was key to preventing the spread of the disease in the country.

“This outbreak is a wake-up call for the government to do more to strengthen the country’s health system.

“More enlightenment on precautionary measures across the country will also go a long way to reduce the transmission of the disease,” he said.

Also, Mrs Cecelia Dada, the Lagos State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation (WAPA), called for regular hand washing and healthy habits to stop the spread of cholera.

Dada advised Nigerians to adhere to all precautionary measures by the government and health agencies to break the transmission circle.

“We have been advised on what to do to keep safe and avoid cholera, it is expected of is to do what is necessary to keep safe.

“We should wash our hand as much as possible,  and do not consume drinks like tigernut, zobo and others prepared on the street for now.

“Wash our vegetables and fruits properly before eating and keep our environment clean,” she said. (NAN)

3rd July, 2024.

