Cholera: Lagos Council offers free medical screening, treatments to residents 

Fri, Jun 28, 2024
By editor


AS part of measures to curtail the spread of cholera in the state, the Ifelodun Local Council Development Area (LCDA) on Friday organised a free screening and presentation of drugs to residents with special ailments.

The Executive Chairman of the LCDA,  Mr Olufemi Okeowo, was represented by Dr Japheth Olugbogi, the Medical Officer of Health at the LCDA, at the programme/public enlightenment.

In his remarks, he appealed to residents to adhere strictly to all precautionary measures to curb cholera outbreak.

“Today, we shall be having free general medical check-up towards overcoming the cholera outbreak.

“This development, coupled with creating necessary awareness and public education on how to give proper hygiene, is the condition necessary to curb the insurgent of cholera,” he said.

Olugbogi said that the council chairman cherished the health of the residents which was why the programme was initiated and being financed every month by the council.

“This is why the residents troop out in their large numbers to benefit from the free healthcare as this administration is committed to providing both human and material resources to support the residents’ environmental health,” he said.

He added that the avenue was also used to create more awareness, informing the residents to patronise the Primary Health Centres (PHCs) any time the need arose.

According to him, PHC medical personnel are available to provide the best of service to the community.

Olugbogi advised parents and guardians to improve and imbibe the preventive measures to assure safety of their children medically.

“We also task the teachers to strictly enforce the pupils and students wash their hands before eating.

“Presently, all hands must be on deck, the children should be trained to keep their environment clean, both at home and in the school”.

Mrs Yetunde Lawal, one of the beneficiaries, thanked the council chairman for the free screening and drugs given to them.

“This is a great opportunity for the residents and it really give us joy to be here for the screening and the free medical support.

“The high cost of drugs now cannot be overemphasised. That’s why majority of the residents are here to benefit from the medical gesture,” she said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that hundreds of residents benefitted from the free medical support while other serious cases were referred to the General Hospital.(NAN)


June 28, 2024
