Consider your life first before fighting for any politician – Lawyer counsels youths

Fri, Feb 10, 2023
By editor

General News

AN Ilorin based legal practitioner, Mr Yusuf Ahmed has advised youths in the country to prioritise their lives before fighting for any politician during the upcoming 2023 general elections.

Ahmed, who gave the advice in Ilorin on Friday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), said youths must be careful and not waste their live defending any politician during the polls.

He said most youths are fond of defending their pay masters during election periods not minding the consequences.

“Consider your life first before politics. Politics will come and go. Don’t go to extra length to defend your favourite politician.

“Don’t allow yourself to be used. Your future is very bright. Your life is very important than politics.

“Use your sense in whatever you are doing. Do not try to impress anybody at all in the name of politics,” he counselled.

The lawyer also advised the youths to be law abiding and desist from any violent act on the election day.

He also called on the government at all levels and INEC to ensure adequate security are put in place on the election day. (NAN)

