Death in the Mediterranean Sea.

Wed, Apr 10, 2024 | By editor


Weep !oh Africa

Lament! the mother of black race

The lives of your children worth less than nickel

It is death all the way 

Stay it Africa,it is death

Death through hunger

Death through kwashiokor 

Death from starvation 

Death through suicide 

Many die!

Some killed by armed robbers 

Many died in hands of security agents

Lives becoming brutish ,nasty and short

Like is Hobbesian space

Death! Death and Death everywhere 

Hopeless, forlorn and desperate, some Africans reasoned

Stay in the land of famine 

The hopeless space

They forsaw ,they envisioned the land flowing with milk and honey

They saw better future in unknown 

They like drunken sailors

Like demons unchained

Set out to take the risk

Searching for the greener pastures 

Their leader fiddling even as Rome burns

Lords of Manor engaging in tomfoolery 

While the children of Africa 

Set out saying

“If we perish, we perish”

The journey of unknown began

But they didnt forsee what awaits them

The hungry demon called  queen of coast waits

Blinded by pursuit of their vision

Marshalling their strategies

Believing their God

Children of Africa plunged into Mediterranean sea

Which unlike the Red sea was too wicked to part.

They all perished 

Their vision

Their misson

Their aspirations all died with them

Yet their leaders unperturbed 

still fiddling 

Weep for Africa

Weep for children of Africa

God have mercy.



-April 10, 2024 @ 13:27 GMT|
