Denmark to administer 4th jab COVID vaccine to persons over 50

Wed, Jun 22, 2022
By editor


THE Danish Government says it is planning to offer a fourth jab of COVID-19 vaccine that will target older adults from 50 years, and other vulnerable groups.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said on Wednesday, that the government estimated 2.5 million people would be eligible for the booster.

“Care home residents and others susceptible to a severe bout of COVID-19, would be given the jabs starting on Sept. 15, followed by anyone over the age of 50 from Oct. 1.

“Particularly vulnerable people such as the elderly and those with immune deficiencies would have the opportunity to receive the fourth vaccination as early as this summer,” Frederiksen said.

She said Denmark’s Coronavirus prevention strategy for the coming months had four objectives which included; protecting the elderly and susceptible people from serious illnesses.

The prime minister said the government would ensure that hospitals were not overburdened; lockdowns and restrictions were avoided as much as possible, and the country’s economy was kept open.

New infection figures have been at a low level for some time in Denmark.

The Health Ministry had said it was monitoring the spread of the Omicron sub-variant BA.5, which now accounted for 59 per cent of all cases reviewed. (dpa/NAN)

– June 22, 2022 @ 14:02 GMT |   AI.
