Education remains cornerstone of Children’s Day Celebrations – FIDA

Mon, May 27, 2024
By editor


FIDA Nigeria, Abuja branch,  says education remains a cornerstone of children’s Day celebration, ensuring access to quality education for every child in Nigeria.

Chibuzo Nwosu, Chairperson FIDA (Nigeria) Abuja Branch, said this in a statement to mark 2024 Children’s Day with hashtag #Nurturingtomorrow’sLeaders.

Nwosu said that each year on May 27th, Nigeria celebrates Children’s Day, a day dedicated to honoring the nation’s young minds, their rights, and their future.

According to her, in 2024, this day takes on special significance as Nigeria reflects on the resilience, potential, and challenges faced by its children.

She said that the theme for Children’s Day 2024, “Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders,” underscored the importance of investing in the education, health, and well-being of Nigeria’s children.

She added that it serves as a reminder that the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and their development is crucial for the nation’s progress.

“On this day, we come together to celebrate children, promote their rights and create a nurturing environment where children feel valued, heard, and empowered.

“Education remains a cornerstone of Children’s Day celebrations, with a focus on ensuring access to quality education for every child in Nigeria. Efforts are still being made to address barriers to education, such as poverty, gender inequality, and lack of infrastructure, to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive.

“Children’s Day also serves as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the rights of children. From access to healthcare and nutrition to protection from exploitation and abuse. Safeguarding the rights of children is essential for building a brighter future for Nigeria.

“As we commemorate Children’s Day 2024, FIDA Abuja reaffirms her commitment to investing in the well-being and future of children. By nurturing, protecting, and empowering the youngest citizens, we lay the foundation for a more prosperous and equitable society,” Nwosu said.

She added that Children are the hope of mankind; let us nurture them for a better tomorrow.


May 27, 2024
