Eid-el Kabir: FOMWAN distributes food items to women in Jos

Sun, Jun 16, 2024
By editor


AS Nigerian Muslims join their counterparts to celebrate Eid-el Kabir, the Federation of Muslim Women Association in Nigeria(FOMWAN), has distributed food items to women in Jos, to enable them enjoy the festival.

Hajiya Kaltume Abubakar, FOMWAN Chairperson in the state, who supervised the sharing on Saturday in Jos, said that the gesture would also help them to support their spouses.

“We focused on the vulnerable ones among us; we want to help them to cope with the hard times,” Abubakar told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

She encouraged women to endeavour to check on their neighbours and share the little they had with them.

“So many of your neighbours are hungry and have no one to turn to, check on them and share what you have with them,” she told the women.

Abubakar said that the Eid-el Kabir  period should be seen as a time for sober reflection, urging women to always create a peaceful and warm environment for people around them.

“In times like this, a woman could contribute financially and also ensure prudent management of budgets in her home.

“Most women want to buy everything without considering the home budget; as it is now, it must be food first,” she said.

Abubakar reminded the women that the Eid-el Kabir season was a time to show love and affection and urged them to lead in demonstrating such virtues.


June 16, 2024
