Enugu State increases waste evacuation budget to enhance cleanliness

Thu, May 12, 2022
By publisher

Africa, Environment

ENUGU State government has approved an increase in the value of its waste disposal contracts.

This is to ensure optimum hygienic condition of the capital city, Special Adviser to the Governor on Information, Steve Oruruo, stated on Thursday in Enugu.

He stated that the increase was also informed by the need to compensate the contractors whose operational costs had skyrocketed because of a spike in the cost of diesel, vehicle maintenance, and labour.

The government frowned at the declining state of cleanliness of Enugu city and charged the waste evacuation contractors to restore it to its enviable sanitary condition.

It also assured residents that they would soon witness a huge improvement in the cleanliness of the city. (NAN)


– May 12, 2022 @ 12:15 GMT |
