Faithful should no longer stand aloof in matters of nation-building – catholic forum

Mon, Jun 11, 2018 | By publisher


JUSTICE Forum, the social-political wing of the Catholic Church, on Sunday urged catholic faithful to seek political positions in the 2019 General Elections to contribute more to national development.

Mr Berth Okoye, the Chairman of the Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Church, Tedi, Ojo, Lagos, chapter of the forum, made the appeal on Sunday at its 2018 Feast of Discipleship.

The News Agency of Nigeria in (NAN) reports that the event was meant to spur members to aspire for leadership positions in the church and the larger society.

Okey, said: “It is no longer spiritually fashionable for faithful to stand aloof in matters of nation-building.

“I am talking of members becoming governors, president, houses of assembly members and so on,’’ enough is enough.’’

According to him, the church wants men of valour to raise the bar of leadership of Nigeria in 2019.

Mrs Rohda Anyaso, the Secretary of the chapter, asked members yet to obtain their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) to do so without further delay since PVC would make them eligible to vote and be voted for.

Mr Kingsley Achor, a former local government chairmanship aspirant, said that the church had many credible personalities.

“We have men and women that can stand the test of time; all we ask for is support; he said.

NAN reports that the congregation prayed for peace in Nigeria and peaceful conduct of the elections. (NAN)

– Jun. 11, 2018 @ 11:37 GMT |
