FG lauds Foundation for remodeling school labs

Thu, Jun 22, 2023
By editor


THE Federal Ministry of Education says interventions from stakeholders are invaluable in developing the sector, as  government cannot do it alone.

Mr Andrew Adejo, Permanent Secretary of the ministry, said this at the inauguration of the MTN Foundation remodeled Chemistry, Physics and Biology laboratories in Queen’s College, on Wednesday in Lagos.
He said that there was need for key education stakeholders to partner with the Federal Government, in ensuring that the sector took its prime position in the scheme of things.

Adejo, represented by the Director, Special Duties of the ministry, Mr Zubairu Abdullahi, described the project as an investment which would make impact beyond the walls of the college.

The permanent secretary said that the remodeled science laboratories would also help to equip the  students with the practical knowledge and skills they needed.

“I commend MTN for its continuous support in education and for making the project a reality.

“I also urge other operators in the communication sector to take same step and support the development of our education sector.

“It is this kind of partnership and collaboration that will create better future for our children and nation, as government alone cannot do it alone, being that the demand for education is high with limited resources,” he added.

Similarly, Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State said that the laboratories would create a platform for the young science and technology enthusiasts to pull their skills, aspire higher and achieve excellence.

Sanwo-Olu said that the project was a transformative endeavour that would improve science and technology scheme of the students.

He said that the state remained committed to the development of education, particularly in the technology space.

The governor, represented by Mrs Ibilola Kasunmu,  Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, said that such innovation by MTN would help to lift the careers of the young ones.

“I want to thank MTN Foundation for this project and I am looking forward for more innovative ideas and collaborations, to promote Science and Technology in Lagos State,” he said.

Earlier, Mr Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi, Director of the MTN Foundation, said he was delighted to have completed and inaugurated the projects in the college.

He said that the idea behind the project was to meet part of demands in the college.

“We must make the students have quality education in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Queen’s College is one among the four we selected from hundreds of schools that applied for this project.

“We are happy because the students, teachers and everyone is happy, the laboratories are up-to-date, all the science equipment are there, electricity too, as we also provided solar, including inverters.

“For all the equipment to be able to function very well, they need water; we have sunk a big borehole and that apart from servicing the laboratories, have solved part of their water problems,” Adelusi-Adeluyi said.

The President, Queen’s College Old Girl’s Association (QCOGA), Ifueko Okauru, who doubled as a member of MTN Board, said it was a laudable idea for the telecommunication company to support education.

Okauru said that the laboratories would go far to inspire their minds and learning zeal, particularly in such an enabling environment.

“This project will encourage the students to go into sciences, we have future researchers, medical students, engineers amongst others, and note that science influences the environment.

“It is impacting the entire school, nation and the entire world, I am so happy today, however, it is most important that we implore a total maintenance culture to sustain these laboratories,” she added.

Meanwhile, Mrs Adebayo Olasubomi, Deputy Director, Ministry of Education, Head of Subject (HOS) Chemistry said the provision of different apparatus in the laboratories would make students engage in more practical and get better understanding of topics.

Olasubomi said that the development would motivate more students, as the laboratories had been equipped to provide practical knowledge of core science subjects.(NAN)

