Fika Emirate, fortune Archibong and Potiskum old prison facility

Fri, Jun 25, 2021
By editor


ON 14th June, 2021 the Fika Emirate misinformation campaign and propaganda on the Potiskum old prison facility went viral. For over six months there had been a lull in the conflict over the status of the facility. To prosecute the media war in this phase, Fika Emirate is relying on Fortune Archibong and Munka’il Asab, member(s) of the Nigerian Guild of Editors. It would appear the main reason for this round of misleading campaign is the Emirate’s dissatisfaction with the fact that the old prison facility has not yet been handed over to it and indeed the letter of ownership given to it earlier has been withdrawn and revoked.For this reason, Fika Emirate is even threatening the Federal Government that should the proposed Female Custodial Centre project commence, the peace of Potiskum metropolis is not guaranteed” and that upholding its earlier approval is the only way to “save the fragile peace of Potiskum metropolis”. This same threat had earlier been made by one of its proxies, the Movement For Justice in Nigeria (MOJIN) North East zone.We believe security agencies are listening,reading and watching.

– June 25, 2021 @ 16:00 GMT|


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