Flood: Namadi orders construction of flood embankments in Jigawa

Thu, May 9, 2024
By editor


GOV. Umar Namadi of Jigawa has directed the ministry of Environment to immediately construct embankments in flood prone areas to check the menace of flooding in the state.

The governor said the measure became necessary as the 2024 rainy season is fast approaching.

Hajiya Zainab Rabo, the Senior Special Assistant to the governor on Media Affairs, made the position of Namadi known in a statement in Dutse on Thursday.

Rabo said  the governor has directed the state Commissioner for Environment, Dr Nura Ibrahim and other officials of the ministry to kick-start the project on Wednesday.

The governor`s aide said that Namadi equally gave approval to the ministry of environment to adopt other immediate measures to ensure better flood control in the year.

She said that the measures which include distilling of water drainage systems as well as prevention of throwing solid waste in the water channels, were imperative to curtail the menace of flooding in the state.

According to her, the proactive measure will lead to protecting the lives and property of people in the state.

Rabo said  that a nine-member committee has been set up by the state to go round and mobilise community support on the successful implementation of the directive. (NAN)


-May 09, 2024 @ 12:24 GMT|
