FRSC Officials Discover Indian Hemp In Apprehended Vehicle

Fri, May 26, 2017 | By publisher


THE Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, has revealed that its patrol team had apprehended and impounded a vehicle along Badagry Seme Border for Seatbelt violation and driver licence violation, only to discover that the said vehicle was conveying a large quantity of Indian Hemp into Nigeria.

According to Bisi Kazeem, head, Media Relations and Strategy, FRSC, the team of Badagry unit command of the FRSC on patrol operations along the route intercepted the vehicle with vehicle number, EPE 237 XC at 0845hrs and had already established the two offences before making the discovery with the collaborative effort of the Nigerian Customs officers who were equally on the same route with their patrol team.

Kazeem said the vehicle was currently with the Comptroller Customs, Seme for further investigations before it would be handed over to the appropriate drug law authority for contravening the law against drug peddling.

The FRSC spokesman reiterated the determination of Boboye Oyeyemi, corps marshal and his team to keep the society sane hence, the Corps’ collaboration with other law enforcement agencies.

Kazeem also recalled that not long ago, the Corps intercepted a vehicle convening children (minors) through Kaduna with some suspected child traffickers who were consequently handed over to the relevant authorities. Further, he said that in the same Kaduna, the FRSC rescue team equally recovered five locally made AK 47 rifles from a man whose vehicle was involved in a crash.

Against this backdrop, the FRSC spokesman stated that Oyeyemi was pleased to see that the officers and men of the Corps demonstrating the willingness to make the rules of engagement with sister agencies viable and more diligent in their duties combined with maintenance of security and safety as it relates to the motoring public.

—  Jun 5, 2017 @ 01:00 GMT


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