Fuel subsidy: Be responsible to your followers – Cleric admonishes religious leaders

Sat, Jun 3, 2023
By editor

General News

FOLLOWING the removal of fuel subsidy, Pastor OlorunLeke Mathew of Christ Life Church, Ilorin, has admonished religious leaders to empower and be responsible to their members.

Mathew, who gave the advice in Ilorin on Saturday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), said religious leaders should empower their followers through financial support, food support and palliatives to help cushion the effects on them.

According to him, this is not the time to start asking them to fund or support ongoing projects in the church or mosque, rather to support and empower the needy to survive the harsh economic situation.

“Religious leaders must understand they need to give out at this time to help sustain the situation. Give in whatever way you can to relief your followers.

“Don’t just seek their support on projects. Nothing is small to give out be it food, money or anything you feel can relive them to survive the hardship.

“When you give, God will bless you in multiple folds. Make them happy through giving,” he advised.

The cleric also called on the public to show love and support the less privileged in the society.

He also advised citizens to endure and not allow the situation push them into criminal acts like stealing and joining bad gangs. (NAN) 

