Gaza crisis: Brazil to help evacuate stranded South Americans

Wed, Oct 25, 2023
By editor


BRAZIL will help evacuate South Americans stranded in the Middle East by the Gaza crisis, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said.

Lula said he had spoken with Air Force commander, Lieutenant Brigadier Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, about the operation to bring home residents from other parts of South America trapped in the region.

“I told Damasceno: if when we finish bringing back Brazilians, there are men and women from Latin America, from South America, who cannot return to our continent, we will be supportive.

“We would bring those people back also. That is Brazil’s role in the world,” he said.

To date, the Brazilian Air Force has brought back to Brazil 1,413 people and 53 pets aboard eight flights.

About 30 Brazilians in the Gaza Strip, who must leave the area through the border with Egypt, are still waiting to be rescued, but the operation has been delayed due to an “impasse” between the authorities.

Lula said he would continue to press for a negotiated end to the crisis. (Xinhua/NAN)


October 25, 2023 @ 12:09 GMT|
