Geometrics Power: A Call to Action for South-East Governors

Fri, May 24, 2024
By editor


By Val Obienyem 

THE power situation in Aba has not yet reached the desired level, but I am pleased to note that there has been a significant improvement of over 50% compared to what it used to be. I commend Governor Alex Otti, under whose tenure this notable achievement was accomplished.

 During my visit, I observed vehicles branded “Aba Power” patrolling the area, which I was informed belong to Geometrics Power which is presently engaged in  mass metering within their coverage area. My hope and prayer are that this progress will continue until Aba achieves 100% power supply.

Once this milestone is reached, I suggest that the South-East Governors invite Geometrics Power for discussions on how to replicate this success across the entire region. Former Governor Peter Obi, during his tenure as Chairman of the South-East Governors’ Forum, made efforts in this direction, but was limited by the challenges inherent in the Nigerian system. 

In my layman’s opinion,  If Geometrics Power has an existing gas line, it would be logical to support their expansion plans within the same axis in order to supply power to the entire zone.


-May 24, 2024 @ 08:54 GMT|
