German insurer points to risks from rusty pilots, neglected planes

Tue, Jul 6, 2021
By editor


RESTARTING the aviation sector after months of shutdown posed problems for airlines ranging from rusty pilots through insects in the engines to increased air rage shown by passengers.

The Allianz insurance company said on Tuesday.

Europe’s largest insurer said its concerns took in not only the large airlines but also companies operating smaller planes, from business flights through tourist sightseeing to rescue helicopters.

“Rusty pilots, air rage, new routes, new-generation aircraft and even insect infestations airlines and airports will face some novel challenges as they turn their attentions toward restoring normal operations after being mothballed during the Covid-19 pandemic,” the Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty (AGCS) unit said.

It pointed in particular to air rage as a phenomenon on U.S. flights, where 3,100 incidents had occurred since the start of the year according to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) figures.

In the 2,350 of these cases, refusal to wear a mask was the cause. (dpa/NAN)

– July 6, 2021 @ 10:13 GMT |
