Germany’s Social Democrats come out swinging at party conference

Mon, May 10, 2021
By editor


GERMANY’S Social Democrats (SPD) came out swinging against their conservative coalition partners in government as a party conference to pick their chancellor candidate began on Sunday.

Lars Klingbeil, Secretary-General of the SPD, described Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives as beset by brutal power struggles and a new scandal every week.

Klingbeil also criticised their choice for chancellor, Armin Laschet, as cowardly and already defeated.

“It is empty in terms of content and it is good for Germany if these conservatives no longer bear responsibility,’’ Klingbeil said.

The 600 delegates attending the online meeting are expected to decide on the party’s programme going into September elections as well as confirm Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, as their choice for chancellor.

Scholz stands for four core goals, Klingbeil said.

“A climate-neutral country by 2045 at the very latest, the most modern transport system in Europe, digital sovereignty and a strong health-care system.

“Today is day one of our catch-up for the federal elections,’’ added Klingbeil with an eye on poor polling numbers.

Sunday’s edition of the mass-circulation Bild newspaper reported that the SPD, at 16 per cent, was several percentage points behind the conservative bloc made up of Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister party, the CSU, on 23 per cent, with the Greens out in front on 26 per cent. (dpa/NAN)

– May 10, 2021 @ 08:37  GM


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