Gov. Mutfwang confident of victory at tribunal

Mon, Sep 11, 2023
By editor


GOV. Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau, has expressed confidence that other outcomes of the ongoing Governorship Election Tribunal, would be in his favour.

Mutfwang expressed this confidence, shortly after the sitting of the tribunal on Monday in Jos.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that the tribunal had adopted all written addresses by both the petitioners and respondents.

It also dismissed the petition of the candidate of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), Alfred Dabwan, challenging the victory of Mutfwang at the March 18 governorship poll.

But Mutfwang, who noted that the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), had already won seven of its court cases, said that he was glad the petitions would soon come to an end.

He added that it would enable his administration focus on governance, which was its priority.

“First we give glory to God Almighty, who is the Judge of all men, we viewed that this election was clearly won and therefore we have no fears about the outcome of the matter.

“And we want to salute the courage of the judiciary, which has gone ahead to affirm the votes of the people.

“Like the judgment clearly noted, this petition was frivolous, It was unnecessary. But that’s the beauty of democracy, that the law gives everybody the opportunity to ventilate his feelings.

“But at the end of the day justice prevails, and today for all of us, it is a celebration, not just for the PDP, but for the people of Plateaus State and for democracy” the governor said.

NAN also reports that in the petition number EPT/PL/GOV/03/ 2023, between Dr. Nentawe Yiltwada and APC (Petitioners), against INEC (first respondents), Barr. Caleb Mutfwang (2nd respondent), the tribunal said all parties would be communicated through its secretary when the judgment would be ready.(NAN) 


September 11, 2023 @ 17:38 GMT|
