Gov. Mutfwang tasks religious leaders on unity

Sun, Feb 4, 2024
By editor


GOV. Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau has called on religious leaders in the state to be united at all times, towards the growth and progress of the state.

The governor made the call at the annual Thanksgiving Service of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Plateau Church, on Sunday in Jos.

Mutfwang particularly thank religious leaders for their support and prayers during the legal battle over his election and urged them to unite and forgive at all times.

“I give thanks to God Almighty for the journey thus far, particularly during the travails of court cases that challneged my election. Several of you formed prayer cells that no one asked you to.

“Indeed it was a battle, but the Lord brought us back and standing before you this morning is a branch plucked out of fire and I know that God has done it for a purpose and may His name be glorified.

“We want to pledge that we’ll continue to cooperate and collaborate with you, to not only see to the growth of the church, but also to see that the impact of Christianity in our land is enhanced and sustained.

“Let me plead again with Christian leaders that there’s need to provide leadership for the unity of the church; if there was a time the church needs to unite is now, and I have said it often that none of us can do it alone.

“None of us is strong enough to confront the challenges of the moment alone, so we need to be together. I plead with you that this is a time to lay aside our differences and learn to look at the bigger picture and not the small issues that divides us” Mutfwang appealed.

Earlier, Rev. Kefas Tang’an, who was the Guest Preacher at the event, advised Plateau people to put their trust in God at all times.

Speaking on the theme of the event “Though the Fig Tree Does not Bud, I will Rejoice in the God of my Salvation”, the cleric urged residents of Plateau to focus on God as their sole benefactor irrespective of challenges.

Tang’an also advised the people to shun evil and wicked acts, insisting that such move would enable God’s unending love abide in the state.

“We boast in the fact that we know the Lord and yet the life of godliness that ought to characterise who we are and be our identity seems to be far from us, then God will not keep silent; he will judge.

“Beloved people of God, we who have been called to lift up the light of righteousness if we keep turning away from the call to godliness, God will keep judging his church.

“You and I have a responsibility to change our attitude and begin to preach the message of mercy from God, we need to go out and preach the message of salvation to our neigghbours” he advised(NAN)


-February 4, 2024 @ 20:14 GMT|
