Governorship candidate urges respect for fathers’ contributions to society

Mon, Jun 17, 2024
By editor


THE governorship candidate of the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) in Edo, Patience Ndidi, has sought respects for the vital contributions of all fathers to the development of a better society.

Ndidi, known as Uwagboe, in a statement on Sunday in Abuja, to mark father’s day acknowledged the strength, love, and guidance that fathers bring into families.

She described fathers as first heroes, steadfast protectors, most impactful teachers, who shape societal values, instill discipline, and prepare their wards to face the world with courage and integrity.

According to her, fatherhood is a profound responsibility filled with challenges but also immeasurable rewards.

“To all the fathers, who have been working tirelessly to support and nurture their families, know that your sacrifices do not go unnoticed.

“Your dedication builds the foundation of our communities and strengthens the fabric of our society.

“Today, we celebrate your unwavering commitment and the critical role you play in our lives,” she said.

Ndidi also emphasised the need to acknowledge and support those who take on the paternal role of guiding the next generation like stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, mentors, and educators.

“Your influence helps to mold resilient and compassionate individuals who will lead our future.

“On this special day, I encourage all of us to reflect on the lessons and love we have received from the fathers in our lives.

“Let us strive to uphold these values and continue building a society that appreciates and respects the vital contributions of all fathers,” she said.

Nididi expressed her commitment to support policies that empowered families, enhance child welfare, and provide economic opportunities that would uplift every father and family in Edo.

Ndidi, who said that the strength and love from fathers have continue to inspire all, also pledged to work with all to build a brighter, more inclusive future in Edo.

“In this year’s governorship race, I stand as the only female among 17 candidates, a testament to our evolving society where every voice is needed and valued.

“I am here to build on the strong foundation laid by our fathers and to add new perspectives and ideas to our governance.

“The leadership and resilience shown by our men through decades have been instrumental, but today, I offer a vision of inclusive and sustainable progress for Edo.

“Together, we can embrace a future where leadership transcends gender and where our collective efforts lead to greater prosperity for all.

“This Father’s Day, let us celebrate not only what has been accomplished but also what we can achieve together.

“With a woman on the ballot, we bring a fresh and enriching perspective to the enduring work of our beloved fathers,” she said. (NAN)


June 17, 2024
