Group advise FG, stakeholders to address GBV holistically, combat new threats

Thu, Dec 7, 2023
By editor


CHRISTIAN Aid UK-Nigeria, an NGO, has advised stakeholders and government at all levels to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) holistically and combat emerging threats.

The groups Country Director, Mr Temitope Fashola, gave the advice at a two-day capacity-building training programme in Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the event was organised by the group for its member of staff and partners to commemorate the 2023 16 Days of Activism to End GBV Against Women and Girls.

Fashola, who said that VAWG had increased across different settings such as workspace and online spaces, added that “the situation will exacerbate existing challenges and generate new threats which calls for concern.”

Mrs Uzor Uzoma, the group’s Senior Programmes Coordinator, said VAWG remained the most prevalent and pervasive human right violation which needed a more holistic approach.

She said “it is important to address VAWG in a holistic way and incorporate it into broader policies and programmes like the social protection system to strengthen women’s economic security and autonomy and reduce the risks of violence.

“These policies in turn need robust resources to support better planning and implementation.

“The Rapid Gender Assessment Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on VAWG conducted by UN Women shows that 45 per cent of women reported that they or a woman they know had experienced VAWG in 13 countries.

“Further more, economic insecurity, disruted livelihoods and limited social protection continue to increase women and girls’ vulnerability to violence, which negatively affect their physical and mental health, among others.”

She, however, said that GBV and VAWG could be prevented through transformative gender justice approach, “which is the core strategy of our group’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy.”

Uzoma added that the strategy envisioned a society where systems of oppression that continued to discriminate against persons based on gender, socio-economic status, religion, race, disability and others are identified and dismantled.

Ms Amina Raji, the group’s Adolescent and Information Project Officer, urged stakeholders and government to invest in education awareness, gender-equality and social inclusion, legal support and safe spaces for GBV survivirs.

Raji said that stakeholders must unite to prevent VAWG and promote gender justice by challenging social and cultural norms and stereotypes that condoned and justified GBV.

Khalifa Suliaman, the Chief Imam of Mile Diobu Port Harcourt in Rivers , urged religious and traditional leaders to promote gender justice and ensure GBV was eliminated and no longer tolerated under any circumstance.

According to the imam, Islam does not support GBV or VAWG and makes room for women not to be relegated in the society.

“Islam recognises the presence of women in all ramifications because the religion is for the whole world, not for a particular gender, race or tribe.

“Under no circumstance should violence againsts women and girls be encouraged or allowed in Islam; it is not in any place in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith.”

Christian Aid Nigeria is an NGO that strives to create safe space for everyone to live a full life, especially freedom from poverty. (NAN)


December 7, 2023 @ 15:16 GMT|
