Health benefits of African Pear

Fri, Jul 24, 2020
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Featured, Health

African pear is rich in vitamins and according to some medical experts, the fruit promotes healthy bones and teeth, radiant and healthy skin.

By Benprince Ezeh

APART from its sweet taste, African Pear, which is known as Ube in the eastern part of Nigeria, the fruit has amazing health benefits. It can be eaten alone or used in eating roasted or cooked corn.

It is usually pink in colour when it is not ripe, but turns dark purple when it is ripe. It has a butter-like nature when roasted or dipped in hot water and usually enjoyed by many. Studies have shown that African pear contains essential ingredients that ward off diseases and can help protect women against postmenopausal breast cancer.

The studies also show a direct link between an increase in fiber intake, which is contained in the pear and reduction in Colon cancer, which can be due to the fiber contained in the pear and other nutrients like vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and essential fatty acid.

Elvis Okafor
Elvis Okafor

, a medical laboratory officer with the FMC Abeokuta, said that the African or bush pear has a lot of antimicrobial properties. “The antimicrobials keep bacteria that are responsible for mouth odour and tooth decay away. Its high concentration of calcium and phosphorus makes it a good supplement for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It’s also rich in Vitamin C, has strong antioxidant and a dietary supplement that can prevent scurvy and keep the skin glowing,” he said.

According to Okafor, studies have shown that regular consumption of this fruit slows the risk of macular degeneration in aged people. “They exhibit strong antioxidants properties that help prevent some age-related illness, which causes poor vision,” Okafor said.

Purity Chanumuya
Purity Chanumuya

Purity Chanumuya, a nutritionist, said that the pear is good for pregnant women. “African pear is a pregnancy super fruit. It contains natural folic acid, which is very good in pregnancy. The presence of folic acid in African pears helps prevent deficiencies in baby’s brain and spinal cord, rich in sugar, carbohydrates, fiber, folate, pantothenate and vitamins such as Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, and Vitamin C, which help to fight the free radicals in the body.

“It also contains some medicinal properties that make them useful for alternative medicine. Some medical doctors treat fever, wounds, dysentery, and skin diseases with this fruit,” she said.

MaryLuciana Ogbu
MaryLuciana Ogbu

Mary Luciana, a pear consumer, said that you must have seen it best served with roasted or cooked corn along the roadside. “Ube is plucked at the same time when maize ‘corn’ is harvested and the two are usually eaten together as a seasonal staple food. Corn ‘oka’ eaten with the native pear ‘ube’ tastes good. It’s like eating aki with ukwa ‘palm kennel and breadfruit seed’ combo,” she said.

Nike, who sells corn in Lagos, told Realnews that she makes over 50% profit after selling her pear and corn. “This is the season, I love it the most because it gives me money to feed my family since I have no husband to cater for us. I go to Mushin market every morning since the beginning of May to buy this from a customer, who owns a farm. She gives me ten pieces for hundred naira and after preparing them, I sell each for twenty naira or more when there is rush for it.

Nike believes that pear reduces cholesterol in the body and helps her to lose weight.

According to her, the oil from the pear is a good supply of fatty acids and can serve as an alternative to vegetable oil, palm oil, coconut oil, and groundnut oil for both home and industrial use.

The African pear is available and cheap now in the market and because of its rich nutrients, it is advisable that you take a good bite of it and experience healthy bones and teeth, radiant and healthy skin which it offers.

– Jul, 24 2020 @ 19:10GMT |
