IBB, an embodiment of patriotism -says Northern Govs Forum

Wed, Aug 17, 2022
By editor


THE Northern Governors Forum has described Nigeria’s former Military President, Rtd. Gen. Ibrahim  Babangida as an embodiment of patriotism.

The chairman of the forum and Governor of Plateau, Mr Simon Lalong eulogised Babangida in a congratulatory message on his 81st birthday .

The statement was conveyed by his spokesperson , Dr Makut Macham on Wednesday in Jos.

He described Gen. Babangida as a leader who had remained consistent in his desire for Nigeria to remain united, peaceful and progressive inspite its challenges, saying his service and honor to the country was remarkable .

“The NGF  appreciates Babangida’s  visionary service to the nation and in particular,  his interest in the development of the Northern Region.

“This is through his interventions and wise counsel and engagement with leaders at various levels.

” The legacies of Gen. Babangida’s leadership have continued to endure and remain a reference point to current and many young leaders”.

According to Lalong, the forum will continue to consult with the former president,from his wealth of knowledge and experience in tacking the challenges of the region and the nation at large. (NAN)

