Indian delegation stops in-person meetings at G7 over COVID fears

Wed, May 5, 2021
By editor


THE Indian delegation at the G7 ministers meeting in London has stopped face-to-face meetings as a precaution against potential Coronavirus infections, India’s external affairs minister said on Wednesday.

“This was made aware yesterday evening of exposure to possible COVID positive cases.

“As a measure of abundant caution and also out of consideration for others, I decided to conduct my engagements in the virtual mode. That will be the case with the G7 meeting today as well,’’ Subrahmanyam Jaishankar tweeted.

British broadcaster Sky reported that there had been two positive COVID-19 tests among the Indian delegation, citing unnamed sources.

Although it is not a G7 member, India was invited to attend the first in-person meeting of the group’s foreign ministers in more than two years in London this week.

Representatives from the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the European Union are due to meet with Britain’s foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, on Wednesday.

It is part of a four-day meeting in London ahead of the G7 summit in Cornwall, England, next month.

Delegates from Australia, South Africa, South Korea, and this year’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations chair Brunei have also been invited. (dpa/NAN)

– MAY 05, 2021 @ 11:12 GM
