Kwara govt. acquires inverter freezers to preserve vaccines

Fri, Apr 9, 2021
By editor

Coronavirus Pandemic

THE Kwara Government has acquired interverter freezers, generators, and stabilizers for the State Cold Store, to preserve vaccines across the 16 Local Government Areas.

Dr Nusirat Elelu, Executive Secretary, Primary Health Care Development Agency, while inspecting the equipment on Friday in Ilorin, said the government’s effort was geared towards giving the best healthcare service delivery to the people.

According to her, the provision of the equipment at the State Central Cold Store is timely and commended Gov. AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq for the support.

She said it gave the Agency the assurance of vaccine quality and the capacity to render the best immunization service delivery to people of the state.

Elelu further said the 50KVA standby generator would be used to support the steady power supply to the Cold Room.

Dr Michael Oguntoye, Director of Primary Healthcare Systems also said the equipment would boost the Cold chain facilities at each LGA.

Oguntoye advised each LGA health team to be prudent and make proper use of the equipment in order to encourage the government and other donor agencies to do more.

Hajia Raliat Balogun, the Director of Personnel, Finance, and Supply, added that the Agency was committed to delivering quality healthcare services to the citizenry.

She noted the support showed the zeal of the present administration as a vibrant and committed government willing to bring the health care of Kwara to the national standard. (NAN)

– Apr. 09, 2021 @ 17:12 GMT


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