Lawmaker charges political office holders on prudence, transparency

Thu, Oct 3, 2019
By publisher


POLITICAL office holders have been charged to be prudent and adhere strictly to zero tolerance for corruption in the discharge of their duties.

Alhaji Aliyu Dogara, member representing Wamba constituency at the Nasarawa state House of Assembly gave charge during the inauguration of his aides in Lafia.

Dogara, who is also the Chairman, House Committee on Finance and Appropriation, urged civil servants to exhibit characters of propriety and tranparency.

The lawmaker called on the appointees to live above board in the conduct of all their duties.

He said the appointment of the aides was to assist him in carrying out legislative functions in order to take the constituency to the next level of development.

Those appointed included Aminu Makpa as Special Assistant (Legislative Assistant), Abdullahi Whattas as Personal Assistant (P.A), Aliyu Ibn Yaqub as P.A on Special Duties, Emmanuel Tanze P.A on constituency development matters.

“Others are Isa Mohammed, P.A on Media, youth and students matters, Titus Yohanna, P.A on Inter Party Affairs and Abdul Garba is my P.A on transport.

“I urge you to discharge your duties without fear or favour and in the interest of developing the constituency and Nigeria at large.

“I also want to use this medium to assure my constituents of an effective and quality representation at the state House of Assembly.

“I will continue to initiate peoples oriented policies that will improve on the lives of my constituents and the state at large,” he said.

Responding, Yohanna thanked the lawmaker for the appointments and promised not to disappoint him and the people of the constituency. (NAN)

– Oct. 3, 2019 @ 8:39 GMT |
